redthread textile art

Sharon Cohen of redthread textile art is a Seattle artist who specializes in unique and original hand-stitched art cards. These vibrantly colorful cards combine art papers, fabric, ribbon, felting, recycled quilts, sheet music, maps, photos, beads, threads, vintage buttons, and extraordinary hand-created woven paper. The cards are meticulously stitched—both by machine and by hand—with detailed weaving, layering of elements, quilting, embellishment, and signature dangling threads, creating a textured and beautifully-designed piece of art, also suitable for framing.

You can purchase cards by contacting the artist directly.
Recent gallery comment
"Your cards were a big hit at this year's Holiday Art Market. Both the staff here and the customers were impressed by the hand stitching and level of detail which led to a good number of sales. Your work really stood out amongst the other cards displayed at this year's event."
Sample Work
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